
Monday, 10 December 2018

Balanced Argument

 Argumentation    10/12/18

The issue is should  cats be band. Some people believe they should be band. On the
other hand, some people believe they should not be band. We will look at both sides
of the argument.

Cats should be band for a few reasons, Firstly they kill native birds around
the world. If birds are killed their babies would not be able to survive and their babies
will have no food. Second of all they ruin furniture and objects
around the house and
if that happens that's a waste of money for the owners.

Cats should not be band for a few reasons again, firstly they are great house
animals and they care for their owners. Second of all they keep their owners company
especially if they have no other people in there house and cats
keep the house protected incase of any emergency.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Decimal Math LCS

Me and carrie did this we made videos of us doing it.


This is mine and Briannas party.